Sunday, May 05, 2013

Florida Gal

It's official I've finally made my move and can proudly say I am a Florida gal! Although I'm excited to be here, I am far from settled and very much missing my NOLA friends. With starting a new job, a pending month of being homeless,  and with being husband-less I am one hot mess. Given my circumstances, training has been hit or miss. This year overall really has been a wash :( Every time I feel like I get some solid training under my belt, life seems to mess with my groove.

And I'm not going to lie... it has been hard seeing everyone already in the midst of their racing season while I'm still barely holding on to base training. Enough complaining! Regardless of my circumstances and excuses, I still plan on racing my first Olympic in Mayport in a few weeks. We shall see what happens. 

If anything, this has once again showed me that there is more to life than triathlon.  Sometimes life has other priorities that must come first. Either way I'm happy to be in the sunshine state and excited to start a new chapter :)


  1. WOAH!! You have a blog??? since when?? ;)

    I know when life gets messy things definitely get out of whack.

  2. Congratulations on the move~ I seem to remember you moving to New Orleans and you adjusted in no time!! Very exciting and can't wait to hear about how it goes! Best of luck!

  3. Making the move is a big deal. it's tough to get settled in, and it will take time. But if you can take every day as a new unique opportunity to find something better, then in the end you will find a new peace with the decisions you made. it's not easy, but it's nice when the dust settles.

  4. You'll meet people I promise. Moving can be fun and exciting but also depressing. You'll hit your groove.

    Run, bike and swim a few base miles for me, I'm outta commission for awhile =(.

  5. Welcome to Florida! Moves are always hard, but you will love it here!
