Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Hot Mess (Literally)

This morning as I haphazardly got ready in a sleepy-drunken stupor, I did something extremely dumb.... I stepped on my hair straightener that just so happened to be turned on. Here was the aftermath~ ( I somehow managed to scorch both sides of my foot)
Things we do for beauty right? Luckily, I survived my hour bike and run although definitely went a little above my heart rate zones towards the end. (ooops! )

I know this is controversial but I'm so going to pop it.....


  1. Hey girl.. That is gross and really painful looking.. Geez. You have curly toes.. very cute..

  2. Oh I pop. Every single time. I have a special safety pin dedicated to popping.

    Girl, umm, maybe you shouldn't put your straightener on your floor? Just a suggestion ;)

  3. OUCH! I'd pop it too, but then make sure it's clean and covered.

  4. You got drunk this morning? But it's not even the weekend yet!

  5. Oh no heidi! Take care.. let's talk soon!!

  6. i wasn't drunk although that would be funny! i just am NOT a morning person :)

  7. stick with the drunk story.....:) it is quite funny, hope it doesnt hamper your training! Cheers

  8. OMG - I had to put my head between my knees so I wouldn't pass out looking at those burnt toes.

    And yes - pop that blister, take pictures and post it on your blog so that people can ridicule you for days. (I know that from experience.)

    (My word verification is: "butsper" haha - "I can't run today, I have a butsper" - yeah, not that funny.)

  9. OUCH! Hope your foot is better!

  10. Yowza! I wouldn't pop it but I am too afraid of infection. Then again I avoided burn and wound care for a reason so good luck;) ha!
